Your Baggage Is Ruling Your Reality

Calvin Lee
Change Your Mind Change Your Life
3 min readSep 17, 2020


Photo by Kovah on Unsplash

Brené Brown has a really good analogy about armor that we don on to protect ourselves. Whether we’re protecting ourselves from past traumas or potential harm to our ego is dependent. Problem with this armor that we put on, it stays on far past its expiry date. It’s on when we no longer need it anymore. It has found a way to stick on and we need to learn how to untangle the mess to remove the thing.

Our propensity to protect ourselves from emotional trauma is a good system — but if you are no longer in an environment that requires that alarm system, what good is it?

It’s time we all learn to freely put on and take off this metaphorical armor. It’s becoming baggage — and this baggage is stopping you from living in the present and truly enjoying what the present moment has to offer.

What’s the big deal about baggage?

Here’s what I believe: a mind that is free of fears is a mind that is unstoppable. Baggage is riddled with fear.

In which case, to be fearless we must unbag the baggage. Stare right at the emotional dead weight holding us back from freedom to live in the present moment.

It’s not an easy task. To unravel the mysteries of why we even hold on to baggage so closely, is to prod at faculties of our psyche that protect the things that reveal our true nature.

Speaking for myself, I’m lazy, unmotivated, mostly would like to avoid hardships. But on the B-side of the same record, I’m also an adventure seeker, open to trying new experiences, and generally curious about life!

For the most part, I’d much rather be B-side. The catch twenty-two? To consistently listen to the B-side, I have to continuously keep my baggage in check. I need to know that whatever is stopping me from doing the things I want to do — it isn’t a manifestation of my fears.

Stop perpetuating your own suffering

Truly, this is why we should all check our baggage on a separate flight and keep it far away from us.

We are the masters of our own demise if we’re sleep walking through life. People are generally friendly and not out to get you.

We don’t do that though. We’re so deep into our own dialogue, sometimes we forget how to take a step back for perspective.

The things we run away from — our fears, we need to work on them. It’s okay not to be perfect. Nobody is perfect. But we should at least try to strive for progress.

If there’s one take away, it really is this: our baggage perpetuates the patterns we repeat in our lives. Hence, why it’s so important to make effort into clearing its contents. It’s taking up too much mental energy that can be spent on living your truest life.

